"> Acquisitions and Mergers | MCC Capital Holding SA
+41 22 548 10 61

When two companies merge, the boards of directors (or the owners, if it is a privately held company) come to an agreement. The original companies cease to exist, and a new company forms, combining the personnel and assets of the merging companies. Like any business deal, this can be straightforward, or incredibly complex. The key is that both companies have agreed to the merge.

In an acquisition, one company purchases another. The purchased company ceases to exist, or it becomes a part of the buying company. The buying company owns all assets, including the name of the company, their equipment, their personnel and even their patents and other intellectual property. However, just like a merger, the boards or owners of both companies have agreed to the transaction.

MC Capital ®™ has all the experience, knowledge and expertise in handling mergers and acquisitions. Our legal and financial consultants can handle the process in its entirety and ensure optimal results for all parties involved.


  • Rue du Rhône 8, 1204 Geneva Switzerland


  • +41 22 548 10 61

    Phone Number

  • +1 646 895 6214




